Applications for our 2025 Great Connections Seminar are open now. Click here to learn more! |
The mission of Reliance College is to provide a superior education that promotes the values of reason, individualism and a free society in which individual rights are respected and protected by the rule of law. Our competitive difference is the way we provide that education. It is specially crafted to instill the mores, the habits of thought and action, necessary for free, independent, self-reliant persons to be autonomous. We help young people become the entrepreneurs of their own lives. We aim to develop that active minority which leads any society—and who will lead our society to the liberty, prosperity and peace so lacking today.
“Discipline must come through liberty… We do not consider an individual disciplined only when he has been rendered as artificially silent as a mute and as immovable as a paralytic. He is an individual annihilated, not disciplined.”
When you think of people you most admire in life, who are your role models?
We at Reliance College think of people who have the following qualities–and we promise you that we will help you develop them. If you agree that this is what you want, we invite you to apply.
“We do not want complacent students, but eager ones; we seek […] to help him in his growth, mental and emotional as well as physical, and for that we must offer grand and lofty ideas to the human mind, which we find ever ready to receive them, demanding more and more.”