
Reliance College Boards of Trustees and Advisors are individuals highly accomplished from a wide variety of disciplines. They are all deeply committed to our core values of reason, individualism, and freedom. Moreover they are committed to education that furthers these values, especially through the development of independent, reasoned judgment. Most have been with our mother organization, The Reason, Individualism, Freedom Institute, for over ten years.

Malachy Walsh

Senior Partner, Director of Creative Strategy, J. Walter Thompson Worldwide

John Enright

John Enright Consulting

Marsha Familaro Enright

Founder and President
The Reason, Individualism, Freedom Institute

Stephen R.C. Hicks, Ph.D.​

Professor of Philosophy Executive Director
Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship Rockford

Board of advisors

Carrie Ann Biondi, Ph.D.​

Independent Scholar, Editor, and Educator 

Former & Philosophy Professor, Marymount Manhattan College, 25 years

Jim Brown, CFA

Independent Financial Strategist and Author
Former President & CEO, Ayn Rand Institute
Securities Analyst & Portfolio Manager

Robert Campbell, Ph.D

Professor of Psychology, retired.
Clemson University

R. Paul Drake, Ph.D.

Professor of Space Sciences, retired.
University of Michigan

Joel Franck, M.D.

Neurosurgeon, Private Practice.

Jay Friedenberg, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
Manhattan College

Mimi Gladstein, Ph.D.

Professor of English and Theatre
University of Texas, El Paso

Laurence I. Gould, Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, University of Hartford

Eduardo Marty

Founder & President.
Fundación para Responsabilidad Intelectual

Fernando Menéndez

Management and Leadership Development Consultant Private Practice

Raymond Raad, M.D., M.Ph.

Psychiatrist, Rivia Mind, Private Practice

Michael Strong

Education Entrepreneur,
Socratic Experience

Michael Shermer, Ph.D.

Publisher, Skeptic Magazine,
Fellow, Chapman University

Carmen Rodriguez Alarcon

Assistant Program Director, Teacher, Trainer & Tutor